Saturday, 8 February 2014

The Humble Bundle

If you're a PC gamer, there's no doubt you've heard of the Humble Bundle, if you haven't then you definitely should.

Humble Bundle is a website that let's you donate money to charities, game developers and publishers (Any of your choice) for a package of different games on offer that week. All you have to do is donate the minimum of $1 and you can get multiple games worth much, much more. You can also choose to pay over the average donation and get added bonuses and more games, which is still a massive bargain!

Often bundles will have some sort of theme or will showcase one particular developer or publisher. This means there'll be up to sometimes 9 games on offer from one particular company which you can pay next to nothing for. Humble Bundle say their reason for making the games "Pay What You Want" and so simple to buy is to encourage people to buy the games while doing something good by donating to charity while also discouraging video game piracy. 

Sales have shown Humble Bundle to be very successful, raising millions of dollars, which a lot of goes to different good causes. You can't argue with cheap prices for games, get over there!

Below you can see the famous Youtuber Pewdiepie endorsing a past weekly Humble Bundle, he explains how it works and where the money goes:

Adblock - A Nightmare for Advertising

Adblock, the ad-blocking plugin , as it's name suggests, for internet browsers that makes exploring the internet devoid of annoying pop-ups and flashy banner ads. It has become almost a norm to have this installed in our Chrome, Firefox and almost any browser nowadays. 

Surfing the internet is great without ads taking up bandwidth, however there is some controversy in using this software. Often you can see text banners on the top of some websites saying things like "Please support *insert website name here* by turning off your Adblock". This is because websites that don't charge for whatever they offer are making their money from visitors clicking on their ads, and if no-one sees those ads, no money will be made. This can read to websites shutting down or bring forced to give their service a price. So you can see why Adblock can be seen by some to have drawbacks.

It seems as if some websites who exist to make a profit will meet their demise from Adblock and some will have to adapt and find new ways to make money through alternative means. Either way, Adblock has become a hero of the people and it will seemingly only become more and more popular, it's already the most widely used internet browser plugin.